We need your calls to Senate Finance Committee in support of SJR 1!   Let's send modernization to the voters!


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Legislative ALERT! Please call members of the House Judiciary Committee!

Tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. the House Judiciary Committee will hear HB 4 State Ethics Commission Act, sponsored by Rep. Daymon Ely.

>>> Please call your legislators on this committee and ask them to vote yes on HB 4! <<<

This bill puts into action what 75% of New Mexican voters approved in the November 2018 election — an Independent State Ethics Commission.

HB 4 is supported by numerous good government groups, and is a top priority for Common Cause New Mexico.

The bill incorporates all of the principles of an effective ethics commission, which Common Cause compiled from ethics commissions across the country, and from legislation debated in New Mexico over the last several years.

HB 4 will help to create a strong, fair ethics commission, which is an important step to restore public trust in state government.

Thanks for your support!



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