Modernization Day of Action -- Tell legislators what reflective representation means to you!   Tell us you're joining us at the Roundhouse February 11!


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Help us pass democracy legislation in the 2025 New Mexico Legislative session!

Common Cause New Mexico's top legislative priorities for 2024 include legislative salaries, semi-open primaries, campaign finance disclosure, and dignity and democracy for people who have been incarcerated.

We’re eager to get to work at the New Mexico Legislature starting on Tuesday. Over the course of the 60-day session, we will keep you updated with a variety of ways to get involved and help us pass our pro-democracy priority bills!

Modernizing the State Legislature and Establishing an Independent Citizens’ Salary Commission to compensate legislators is once again our top priority. (SJR 1)

Allowing legislators to receive a salary would empower more New Mexicans to run for the legislature and serve the communities they love. For our legislators to be effective and reflect the districts they represent, we need to pay them a salary for the work they do. Our legislators are facing far more intricate challenges now than when our state was founded in 1912.

This year’s measure to establish an Independent Salary Commission would require a constitutional amendment and will ultimately be placed on the ballot. The Senate Joint Resolution is being carried by Sen. Natalie Figueroa and Rep. Angelica Rubio.

Common Cause New Mexico will be working alongside supportive coalition partners to ensure that voters get to have their say on whether the legislature should receive a salary. This amendment, paired with the recent addition of permanent staffing for our elected officials all adds up to better public service.

Sign on in support and RSVP for our Modernization Day of Action at the Roundhouse on February 11!

Semi-Open Primaries (SB 16)

Common Cause is also supporting a measure sponsored by Sens. Wirth & Figueroa alongside Reps. Cates, Parajon, & Rubio allowing decline-to-state voters and Independent voters to request either a Republican or Democratic ballot and vote in primary elections without updating their voter registration.

This bill builds upon the NM Voting Rights Act that passed in 2023. We want to make sure that with the VRA’s automatic voter registration, we’re welcoming new voters and helping them make their voices heard – regardless of party registration.

Sign on in support of letting all eligible New Mexicans participate in the primary of their choice.

Strengthening Campaign Finance (SB 85)

Common Cause New Mexico will be monitoring and supporting legislation that will strengthen the state’s Campaign Reporting Act (CRA), passed in 2019. Proposed changes to the CRA include limiting the ability of candidates to loan their campaigns money on interest and how campaign funds can be used and donated to community-based organizations.

This bill will help shine a light on campaign contributions and the influence of money in politics. Common Cause will again be partnering with Senator Peter Wirth, who introduced legislation in 2023 to fight against dark money in our democracy.

Dignity & Democracy Protection Act

Following the lead of Millions for Prisoners, Common Cause will be advocating for changes and investments in restorative solutions for individuals who are presently or have previously been incarcerated.

This proposed legislation package directly looks to end legalized slavery; protect democratic participation for all; and ensure access to education, restorative resources, and democratic engagement across schools, prisons, and community institutions.

We hope you’ll join us for our Modernization Day of Action on Tuesday, February 11 at 10 AM, and continue to stay tuned into our legislative session. Local and state government decisions stand to have the greatest impact on our communities, and Common Cause will be there to ensure that the interests of all New Mexicans are represented!

Have a great holiday weekend in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Midweek check-in from the Roundhouse

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Midweek check-in from the Roundhouse

Two constitutional amendments move forward, staffing gets a much-needed boost, and SJR 1 Legislative Salaries is likely being heard next week in Senate Rules Committee!



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