Press Release
What They’re Saying: Nebraskan Voters Want to Keep Electoral College System
Rural, Conservative Voters Reject Winner Take All Change
On Thursday, the Legislature’s Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee heard testimony for hours about Nebraskans preference for staying with its current Electoral College votes system. In case you missed it, several conservative Nebraskans forcefully spoke up to keep the current system, rather than change it.
- Warren Phelps, chair of the Cheyenne County GOP, said he wants to keep the district system so rural Republicans in the 3rd Congressional District always have a voice. He said he and other rural Republicans do not “want to be drowned out.” and “Competition makes everybody better. It forces candidates to come up with ideas. Ideas that … help the whole country.” – Nebraska Examiner.
- Sen. Merv Riepe of Ralston, supported winner-take-all in 2024, but now says it’s not the right time to consider the issue. His district has an even split of Republicans and Democrats, and he said he doesn’t believe a majority of his constituents support the proposed change. – Omaha World-Herald
- Nebraskans largely tell lawmakers to scrap winner-take-all plan… Roughly five hours in, at least nine people testified in favor of LB 3, while more than 60 people had testified against both proposals… – Kearney Hub
- Public comments are overwhelmingly against change. According to committee public comment on LB3: 414 proponents, 1371 opponents, and 3 neutral. For LR24CA: 172 proponents, 728 opponents, and 5 neutral. – Legislative hearing link (5 hour, 28 minutes mark)
“Nebraskans are crystal clear on this – they prefer the current system across the political spectrum. It’s time to listen to the people and scrap any plan to change Nebraska’s electoral college vote system, ” said Gavin Geis, Common Cause Nebraska Executive Director.