
Press Release

Electoral College Change Would Silence Nebraska Voices

Right now, Nebraska has an advantage over our neighbors when it comes to presidential elections, but LB3 would rip all that away instantly

The following is a statement from Common Cause Nebraska Executive Director Gavin Geis on a bill filed to return Nebraska to a “winner-take-all” system for the Electoral College. Nebraska currently awards 2 statewide “winner-take-all” votes, and then one vote each from the popular vote of each of its three congressional districts.  
Right now, Nebraska has an advantage over our neighbors when it comes to presidential elections, but LB3 would rip all that away instantly. While Missouri, Kansas, South Dakota and Wyoming are largely ignored by candidates, Nebraska consistently receives the attention of both parties because of our unique electoral college system. All Nebraskans have the ear of presidential candidates with our current set-up, both rural and those in Omaha, and to suggest otherwise is just playing a partisan game. Candidates come to pitch their ideas to us and those ideas are spread all over the state, and the feedback candidates receive comes from all Nebraskans. If legislators want to maintain the power Nebraska voters hold in our presidential elections, they will kill this bill immediately,” said Gavin Geis, Common Cause Nebraska Executive Director.  



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