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Electoral College Change Would Silence Nebraska Voices

Press Release

Electoral College Change Would Silence Nebraska Voices

Right now, Nebraska has an advantage over our neighbors when it comes to presidential elections, but LB3 would rip all that away instantly

Problems Voting? Call or Text Nonpartisan Hotline for Help

Press Release

Problems Voting? Call or Text Nonpartisan Hotline for Help

Voters who need help finding out how to register to vote or their right polling location, or any other voting issues, can call or text, 866-OUR-VOTE, a toll-free hotline with trained nonpartisan volunteers ready to help.

Nebraska AG Opinion Threatens Voting Rights of Thousands 

Press Release

Nebraska AG Opinion Threatens Voting Rights of Thousands 

On July 17, Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers issued a controversial opinion that the state Pardons Board has sole authority to restore the voting rights of Nebraskans who have served their sentences for felony convictions. In April, the state legislature passed a bill (LB20) lifting a two-year waiting period in order to allow those who have completed their sentences to vote immediately.

50 State Report: Nebraska Earns Average Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

Press Release

50 State Report: Nebraska Earns Average Grade for Redistricting from Common Cause

LINCOLN, NE — Today, Common Cause, the leading anti-gerrymandering group, published a report grading the redistricting process in all 50 states from the view of the community. The comprehensive report evaluates public access, outreach, and education in each state based on an analysis of more than 120 detailed surveys and more than 60 interviews. 

Report: Nebraska’s Lobbyists Shatter Records — Again

Press Release

Report: Nebraska’s Lobbyists Shatter Records — Again

Lincoln, NE — Last year, Nebraska lobbyists broke records, earning a whopping $21,839,249 in compensation from special interests to influence legislation, according to a new report released today by Common Cause Nebraska. 

Nebraska Passes Bill Detailing Acceptable Forms of ID to Vote

Press Release

Nebraska Passes Bill Detailing Acceptable Forms of ID to Vote

LINCOLN, NE — Today, in a 38-1 vote, the Nebraska unicameral passed LB514, legislation that details acceptable forms of ID voters must present in order to vote.



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