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Nebraska Lobbyist Earnings Reach an All-Time High

Lobbyists seeking to influence Nebraska state lawmakers are pulling in more money than ever before, according to a new analysis of public records by Common Cause Nebraska. Last year, 573 groups or entities called “principals” paid 391 lobbyists $17.8 million, up $400,000 over the previous year -- an increase that stayed well ahead of inflation and left government salaries in the dust, the report states.


Another Record

In Nebraska, the lobbyist’s tools appear unlimited. Not only can the lobbyist wine, dine, and entertain but they can donate to political campaigns, host campaign fundraisers, and solicit campaign funds from their clients. With that toolkit, the lobbyist can open nearly any door.

Money & Influence 08.23.2017

Donors' Dollars Keep on Giving

If you are not running for office this year and you happened to have a few extra campaign dollars, why not help out a friend? The fact that your donors thought they were helping you and not your friend shouldn’t be an issue. That seems to be the thinking of many of our elected officials.

Ethics 07.19.2017

Stopping Nebraska’s revolving door from government to lobbyist

Op-ed on Nebraska's Revolving Door

Money & Influence 07.28.2015

Is the Unicameral Listening to Voters or Lobbyists?

Common Cause Nebraska’s 2015 Lobby Report gives Nebraskans an opportunity to compare lobbying activity over a four-year period. By compiling and analyzing data reported by Legislators, Lobbyists, and principles, it’s clear that spending to influence state policy continues to increase.

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