National Popular Vote & Electoral College
We deserve presidential elections where every voter has an equal voice and where the winning candidate must engage with all 50 states. Common Cause is pushing to fix the broken Electoral College.
In several recent presidential races, the candidate who won the popular vote lost the election. And in every presidential election, candidates are forced to focus their attention on only a handful of swing states, essentially ignoring voters everywhere else. The winner-take-all Electoral College system that produces this anti-democratic process must be changed, so that voters in all 50 states have a say in choosing our president.
Here is how our National Popular Vote & the Electoral College campaign will fix this: the Constitution allows states to decide how they award their electoral votes, so if enough require their votes to go to the winner of the nationwide popular vote, we could fix the Electoral College’s problems without needing to amend the Constitution. This National Popular Vote Compact will not take effect until states with 270 electors—a majority—joined in. But we are closer to that than you might think: 16 states and the District of Columbia have already signed on, providing 205 electoral votes of the needed 270.
What We’re Doing
Your financial support helps us make an impact by holding power accountable and strengthening democracy.
Listen to the People: Pass Democracy Reforms This Month
Pro-Democracy Agenda Can’t Wait Any Longer in Michigan
Press Release
Legislature Shouldn’t Break Without Passing Pro-Democracy Agenda