Blog Post
Common Cause MD Member Cleans Up For Democracy!

Remember the old saying, “Golf is a good walk spoiled”? Well, Adopting-a-Road is a good walk made even better. Many of our roadsides cry out to be tidied up on occasion. And who better to do it that the folks that live there?
Why have I adopted a .8 mile stretch of Falls Road in Potomac in the name of Common Cause Maryland? I don’t feel I need to have my name up there on the post, but I’m glad to do the work in the name of an organization I admire and respect. Anyone can do the same for their church, civic association, club or in the memory of someone they cared for.
Why Common Cause Maryland? Because these times are perilous, and our democracy is threatened by forces seeking to restrict voting rights; place candidates in the presidency who have been elected by a minority of the voters; gerrymander districts to insure “safe” districts for their own party; and campaign using funding from undisclosed individuals and companies. The For the People Act 2021 (HR-1) is now before our legislators on Capitol Hill. If it is passed, it will go a long way toward making our democracy more democratic rather than less. Common Cause is working hard to see that this bill passes and that the National Popular Election Compact is approved in enough states to insure that the majority of the voters will carry the day future presidential elections and not the minority reflected in the Electoral College.
Picking up trash while out walking is a great to support your local neighborhood. It gives me a lift when passing bicyclists and walkers say “thank you.” Are there things I don’t relish? Yes. Of course! Used Covid-19 masks which we didn’t used to see along our roadsides. Things that make me peeved? When a homeowner leaves a large chunk of styrofoam on their grass and their landscaping contractor runs over it leaving 17 pieces to pick up instead of 1.
If you’re adopting a road that has had no TLC for a few years, you’ll find the initial cleanup takes several passes. There are plenty of bottles and cans peaking out from their half buried hiding places among the leaves and brush. But as you continue you monthly or bi-monthly rambles, you’ll find less and less to collect. Perhaps people are more conscientious about not littering when there no visible litter to add to. Perhaps during the hot months people have their car windows rolled up and prefer to keep the AC on and the litter inside. Who knows? I only know that joining the Adopt-a-Road program and doing my trash walks make me feel good. You can enjoy the same experience. To check it out, visit the DOT’s website: