ሪፖርት አድርግ
በሜሪላንድ ውስጥ ያሉ ዘመቻዎች፡ አሁንም ለማሸነፍ ብዙ ያስከፍላል?
የጋራ ምክንያት ሜሪላንድ ከ2018 የምርጫ ዑደት የሕግ አውጪ እጩዎች የገንዘብ ማሰባሰብያ ድምርን ተንትኗል። ይህ ዘገባ የሪፖርታችን ተከታይ ነው “ዘመቻ በሜሪላንድ፡ የገቢ ማሰባሰብያ በአሸናፊ ግዛት ህግ አውጪዎች፣ 2011-2014”።
This report from Common Cause Maryland reads, in part, “In Maryland, an easy way to concentrate the power of campaign giving is to use the limited liability company/limited liability partnership (LLC/LLP) loophole.” This Common Cause Maryland study looks at the ways the LLC/LLP loophole was used to funnel over $6,000,000 into campaigns during the 2003-2006 election cycle. (See Appendix A for data on the recipients of this largess.)
ሪፖርት አድርግ