
National Petition

ADD YOUR NAME: Restore Net Neutrality

Net neutrality is a fundamental need in an increasingly digital world. We must fight against anything that makes the Internet less accessible and more controlled.

Net neutrality is the simple principle that companies like Verizon and Comcast should treat all web traffic equally – not pick and choose based on who is willing to pay more or who they like best. Big Tech companies obviously don’t like that—which is why they spent millions lobbying against it over the years.

Now, three unelected judges have seized control of our Internet and handed it back to a handful of megacorporations. The likely result? Throttled access to streaming services, monopolistic pricing that cuts out competition, and a slower, walled off, and less free Internet for all of us.

And unfortunately, rulings like this will only get more common now that the Supreme Court has overturned the “Chevron deference” – giving judges, rather than qualified public servants, a blank check to toss out protections like net neutrality, environmental safeguards, or food safety standards.

That’s why we need to speak out boldly – right now – against this egregious anti-consumer and anti-democracy ruling – can you add your name today?


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