

ALEC regularly aligns itself with right-wing extremists and pushes a legislative agenda that threatens our democracy and our rights. Common Cause is committed to shining a light on ALEC's conduct.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a group of corporate lobbyists and legislators who meet behind closed doors, has spent decades pushing far-right legislation that endangers our democracy. ALEC and the corporate sponsors who fund the group are behind dozens of dangerous bills, including racist voter ID laws, rollbacks of environmental protections, and more. ALEC creates “model bills” that undermine our rights, then have state lawmakers introduce them almost word-for-word as real legislation that often becomes law, weakening our democracy and enriching ALEC’s corporate donors at our expense. Common Cause is exposing the companies that drive ALEC’s work.

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Legislative Push for Convention Equals Danger for Indiana

Press Release

Legislative Push for Convention Equals Danger for Indiana

As the legislature advances SJR 21, a resolution calling for an Article V Constitutional Convention to implement federal term limits, Common Cause Indiana and other democracy allies are warning Hoosiers of the dangers of such a move.


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