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Take The Pledge: I will vote in 2024


Take The Pledge: I will vote in 2024

Our votes are our voices, and democracy works best when we all participate. I pledge to vote this November, and I’ll encourage every eligible citizen I know to do the same.

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Protect Immigrants


Protect Immigrants

The Trump administration has promised to start mass deportations right here in Chicago. Like always, they intend to maximize pain and rip families apart. This is a democracy issue--authoritarians always look for scapegoats to solidify their own power. We won't stand for it. Join us in supporting our partners at the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, who include dozens or organizations providing direct support to immigrants, by making a donation today. 100% of your donation with go directly to ICIRR.
Let’s Pass the RACE Act!

Letter Campaign

Let’s Pass the RACE Act!

Illinois lawmakers must take bold action to show that they are strengthening democracy by making the Reintegration and Civic Empowerment (RACE) Act part of their priority agenda now. The RACE Act would restore voting rights 14 days after conviction, expand civic education programs to incarcerated individuals, and ensure access to vote-by-mail for those behind bars. Your voice is crucial to show lawmakers that Illinoisans demand a fairer democracy. Don’t wait—write to Senate President Don Harmon...
Restore Voting Rights in Illinois


Restore Voting Rights in Illinois

​Right now, thousands of incarcerated Illinoisans are being silenced in our democracy.

The RACE Act would restore voting rights to incarcerated individuals 14 days after their conviction, ensure access to vote-by-mail, and expand civic education programs to the beginning of incarceration.

This isn’t just about Illinois—it’s about setting an example for the nation. Please pass the RACE Act and ensure that our democracy works for everyone.

Take The Pledge: I will vote in 2024


Take The Pledge: I will vote in 2024

Our votes are our voices, and democracy works best when we all participate. I pledge to vote this November, and I’ll encourage every eligible citizen I know to do the same.


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