
Transparence dans les audiences disciplinaires de la police

Common Cause Illinois s'est associé à des organisations de défense des droits de la communauté axées sur la bonne gouvernance et la responsabilité de la police pour déposer un mémoire d'amicus curiae faisant valoir que les audiences disciplinaires pour mauvaise conduite de la police dans la ville de Chicago doivent être ouvertes au public. Il n'y a pas de responsabilité sans transparence.

A strong and healthy democracy requires that its citizens know what its government is doing, particularly when that government makes decisions that threaten the lives of everyday citizens. In the contract negotiations between the police union and the City of Chicago, the police are trying to change a longstanding practice that fosters transparency in serious disciplinary proceedings against individual officers. The public interest in transparency is far too great to allow these proceedings to happen behind closed doors. That’s why Common Cause Illinois joined the Chicago Coalition for Police Accountability and Transparency, led by Color of Change, to urge that these proceedings continue to occur in a public forum.

Lisez le mémoire d’amicus curiae ici.

Read the press statement from the Chicago Coalition for Police Accountability and Transparency ici.

Learn more about the issue ici.

Titre avec surbrillance et texte supplémentaire.


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