
Common Cause works on the national, state, and local level to defend and strengthen American democracy.

What We're Doing

Protect the Vote

National Campaign

Protect the Vote

For this year's all-important elections, we are mobilizing nonpartisan volunteers across Hawaii to help voters cast their ballot without confusion, obstruction, or intimidation.

Featured Issues

Ethics & Accountability

Ethics & Accountability

Public officials should act in all of our interest, not to line their own pockets. Common Cause is fighting to ensure that all of our leaders are held to high ethical standards.
Money in Politics

Money in Politics

Citizens United invited huge sums of dark money into our democracy. We're demanding reforms that put ordinary people ahead of billionaire campaign donors.
Making Government Work

Making Government Work

Our government should make decisions that further the public's interest. But recently, gridlock, hyper-partisanship, and out-of-date legislative process have hindered meaningful progress. We are fighting back.

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