News Clip

Letter: April 23, 2020 Committee on Zoning, Planning and Housing Agenda

Not providing the public with the option to testify via remote access at the April 23, 2020 hearing is
illogical, especially when your Committee’s April 23, 2020 Agenda specifically provides that “[s]ome
committee members may be participating in the meeting by interactive conference technology from
remote locations.” More than illogical, the Committee is endangering the health and safety of the public by
having the public attend in-person your Committee hearing. The people should not have to decide between
their personal welfare and civic engagement. Your Committee (and the entire Council) should value
transparency, ethics, and public participation and the health, safety, and welfare of your constituents and
our community. As your Committee permits its members to participate remotely in the April 23, 2020 meeting, the Committee obviously values its own members’ health and safety; it needs to value the public’s
to a similar extent.



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