Votez NON à l’amendement 6 en novembre 2024 : parce que ce sont les électeurs qui devraient influencer les élections, et non les gros donateurs. Engagez-vous !


Protection électorale

Every day, we're working to protect, expand, and guarantee the right to vote in Florida.

We’re Protecting Your Vote

Floridians deserve a democracy that values and holds sacred the freedom to vote. 

That’s why Common Cause Florida co-leads the nonpartisan Florida Election Protection Coalition. This coalition of over 35 organizations across the state is working to ensure that every eligible voter can cast their ballot and that every vote is counted accurately. Election Protection is not affiliated with any party, candidate, or issue campaign.

Voters who have questions or experience problems can call the Election Protection hotlines to get advice and support year-round. During elections, these hotlines are connected to response teams on the ground to address problems as they occur.

You Can Help Protect the Vote

No eligible Florida voter should be deprived of their right to vote due to confusion, suppression, or intimidation.

Common Cause Florida and the Florida Election Protection Coalition field nonpartisan poll monitors, voting rights legal monitors, and social media monitors to support voters and help make sure they can cast a ballot that counts. Direct volunteer intervention is the most effective way to make sure voters can’t be disenfranchised by confusion over election rules, long lines, under-resourced polling places, inaccurate information, or acts of intimidation. 

Nonpartisan Election Protection Volunteers help eliminate these obstacles by:

  • Ensuring voters have access to the ballot box to make their vote count
  • Providing voters with necessary voting information and answering their questions
  • Quickly identifying problems at polling places
  • Gathering information to support advocacy to remove barriers to voting

Join us in safeguarding our elections by signing up to be a:

  • Poll Monitor: Identify issues at the polls, answer voters’ questions, and connect those who are denied a ballot to legal resources.  
  • Voting Rights Legal Monitor: If you are a lawyer, rove in one county to rapidly respond to voting rights issues and complete poll site accessibility reviews.
  • Social Media Monitor: Search for social media posts that share issues at the polls, connect voters to resources and support, and report election-related mis/disinformation.
  • Poll Worker: Work directly with your county Supervisor of Elections office to keep elections fair and safe.
  • Canvassing Board Monitor: See how ballots are counted.

Click here to sign up to help protect the vote!

These volunteer opportunities are strictly nonpartisan. Please read our nonpartisan agreement.


Votre soutien financier nous aide à avoir un impact en tenir le pouvoir responsable et renforcer la démocratie.

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Le vote par correspondance en Floride

Tout électeur inscrit en Floride peut voter par correspondance. Faites-en votre plan de vote ou votre plan de secours. Demandez votre bulletin de vote par correspondance dès aujourd'hui !


Comment voter en Floride

Un résumé des différentes façons de voter en Floride, avec des liens vers les principaux outils et ressources du gouvernement.


Voter après un ouragan


Point de presse d'aujourd'hui : primaires présidentielles en Floride et mise à jour de la liste électorale

Communiqué de presse

Point de presse d'aujourd'hui : primaires présidentielles en Floride et mise à jour de la liste électorale

« Les ressources d'assistance aux électeurs d'Election Protection aident les électeurs à s'orienter dans les règles de vote actuelles, qu'ils choisissent de voter par correspondance ou de voter en personne, afin que chaque électeur éligible puisse voter de manière efficace », a déclaré Amy Keith, directrice exécutive de Common Cause Florida.



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