Press Release
Vote by Mail Bill Filed in Delaware Senate

Common Cause Delaware applauds the Delaware state legislators who today introduced a bill to establish Vote by Mail in the First State, so that people can vote safely from home.
Article V, Section 1 of the Delaware Constitution provides that “the General Assembly may by law prescribe the means, methods and instruments of voting.”
Across the nation, 34 states provide all voters the option to cast ballots by mail.
Statement from Claire Snyder-Hall, Executive Director, Common Cause Delaware
Our democracy is stronger when every voter has the option to vote safely from home, if they so choose.
We are thrilled that Sen. Kyle Evans Gay has introduced SB 320, a bill that will establish vote by mail in Delaware.
We urge the state legislature to pass this bill and use its constitutional authority to provide a Vote By Mail option for voters to cast our ballots and have our voices heard.
Adding vote by mail to early voting and in-person election day voting will greatly enhance the freedom to vote for all Delawareans and so strengthen democracy in the First State. We urge all legislators to vote yes on SB 320.