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State Leaders Respond to Common Cause Delaware’s Calls for Redistricting Reform

Less than a week after Common Cause Delaware urged state leaders to share information about this year’s redistricting process, today state leaders announced the first hearing date, their intent to hold multiple future hearings, and the creation of website where the public can review data.

Following pressure from Common Cause Delaware, state leaders announce hearing dates 

Less than a week after Common Cause Delaware 촉구했다 state leaders to share information about this year’s redistricting process, today state leaders announced the first hearing date, their intent to hold multiple future hearings, and the creation of website where the public can review data. The first hearing will take place September 28 at 6 p.m. Last week, Common Cause Delaware reiterated its call for a fair, transparent, and participatory redistricting process, highlighting its letter asking for immediate reform that was co-signed by 16 other diverse community organizations and sent to state leaders on August 4. 

“We are glad that state leaders heeded our calls for the public to have a say in this important democratic process,” said Common Cause Delaware의 이사인 Claire Snyder-Hall. “We hope these public hearings will provide an opportunity for the people of Delaware to participate in a meaningful way in the map-making process, so that the process of community districting will result in the drawing of fair maps that preserve communities of interest. And we look forward to the launch of the new website.” 

State leaders announced that the first public hearing will be held virtually on Zoom. They also announced that the House and Senate will create separate plans for each chamber. Once the Senate and House have drawn proposed maps, they will be posted to the redistricting website for the public to review. Each chamber will hold public hearings, which will be announced later this month, on their respective proposals. They will take those comments and feedback and make final revisions to the district maps. 

Until today, state leaders had not announced any information about the current redistricting cycle, including a timeline or ways the public can participate. In its August 4 letter, the coalition asked that the proposed maps and all other relevant information be posted online and regularly updated, that the public be able to provide input on any proposed maps, and that the public be allowed to submit proposed maps for consideration. 

To read the coalition letter, 여기를 클릭하세요 



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