UPDATE: The Washington Post banned our #FireMusk ad, see and share it here >>   #FireMusk

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Tell Your Senators: Stop this hostile takeover!


Tell Your Senators: Stop this hostile takeover!

Our elected officials are totally abandoning their duty to their constituents while Elon Musk does as he pleases. Whether your senators are on the right, on the left, or in the center, they ALL need to hear from everyday Americans like us today. Use our tool to write to your senators and tell them that voters won’t tolerate them sitting by in silence while Trump and Musk slash our government to line their pockets >>
Tell Congress: Keep Elon Musk’s hands off our Social Security!


Tell Congress: Keep Elon Musk’s hands off our Social Security!

President Trump just revealed the latest target for his and Elon Musk’s hostile takeover: our Social Security.

Congress must NOT allow any attacks on Social Security to go unaddressed.

Our members of Congress must step up and protect our safety net from Trump and Musk’s hostile takeover.

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Tell Congress: Keep Elon Musk’s hands off our Social Security!


Tell Congress: Keep Elon Musk’s hands off our Social Security!

President Trump just revealed the latest target for his and Elon Musk’s hostile takeover: our Social Security.

Congress must NOT allow any attacks on Social Security to go unaddressed.

Our members of Congress must step up and protect our safety net from Trump and Musk’s hostile takeover.

Tell Your Senators: Stop this hostile takeover!


Tell Your Senators: Stop this hostile takeover!

Our elected officials are totally abandoning their duty to their constituents while Elon Musk does as he pleases. Whether your senators are on the right, on the left, or in the center, they ALL need to hear from everyday Americans like us today. Use our tool to write to your senators and tell them that voters won’t tolerate them sitting by in silence while Trump and Musk slash our government to line their pockets >>
Petition: FIRE Elon Musk


Petition: FIRE Elon Musk

Elon Musk is trying to run our government like it’s one of his companies. Our democracy deserves better.

We demand the immediate firing of Elon Musk from ANY position of influence within our government. Musk’s dangerous influence must end now.

It is time to restore power to the American people and ensure that decisions are made by those accountable to the people, not the wealthy elite.

Tell Congress: Protect birthright citizenship


Tell Congress: Protect birthright citizenship

Trump’s executive order attempting to end birthright citizenship would endanger millions of people born in this country and permanently reshape what it means to be an American.

The 14th Amendment is clear – and legal experts say Trump would likely need to pass a constitutional amendment through Congress to overrule it.

Congress must step up and REFUSE to help Trump shred our Constitution. We urge you to protect birthright citizenship and our 14th Amendment today.

Add Your Name: Trump Can’t Rewrite History


Add Your Name: Trump Can’t Rewrite History

Americans of all political stripes – Republican, Democrat, and Independent – were rightly horrified by what they witnessed on January 6th.

In pardoning those who attempted to violently overturn the election and invalidate 80 million votes, Donald Trump is showing his contempt for our justice system and our democracy.

Sagen Sie dem Kongress: Unsere Demokratie steht nicht zum Verkauf


Sagen Sie dem Kongress: Unsere Demokratie steht nicht zum Verkauf

Diese Woche hätte Elon Musk beinahe einen katastrophalen Regierungsstillstand erzwungen.

Dies ist ein beunruhigender Vorgeschmack auf die kommende Trump-Administration – eine Regierung, in der nicht gewählte Milliardäre versuchen, sich Zugang zu den mächtigsten Regierungsebenen zu erkaufen, unser System der gegenseitigen Kontrolle zu untergraben und bei wichtigen Ausgabenentscheidungen das Sagen zu haben.

Unsere Demokratie steht nicht zum Verkauf. Der Kongress muss den Bedürfnissen des Volkes höchste Priorität einräumen und aufhören, den Forderungen eines nicht gewählten Milliardärs nachzugeben.



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