
Common Cause Congratulates Cornell Brooks on His Election as NAACP President

Common Cause was pleased to learn that the NAACP has selected one of our national governing board members, Cornell W. Brooks, to lead the civil rights organization.

Common Cause was pleased to learn that the NAACP has selected one of our national governing board members, Cornell W. Brooks, to lead the civil rights organization.

“In Cornell Brooks, the NAACP has found another strong, principled leader to build on its history as the nation’s most important civil rights organization,” said Common Cause President Miles Rapoport.

“Cornell’s commitment to a democracy that works for every citizen has marked his tenure on our national governing board and surely will enrich his tenure at the NAACP,” Rapoport said. “I’m delighted to congratulate him on this appointment and excited at the chance to continue working with him in his new capacity.”


Common Cause ist eine überparteiliche Basisorganisation, die sich für die Wiederherstellung der Grundwerte der amerikanischen Demokratie, die Neugestaltung einer offenen, ehrlichen und rechenschaftspflichtigen Regierung einsetzt, die im öffentlichen Interesse arbeitet und den einfachen Menschen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre Stimme zu erheben.



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