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Wehren Sie sich gegen den Einfluss des großen Geldes: Overturn Citizens United

Unternehmen, Interessengruppen und einige der reichsten Menschen des Landes geben Milliarden von Dollar aus, um unsere gewählten Politiker zu beeinflussen – im Grunde versuchen sie damit, die Stimme der einfachen Amerikaner mit einem Megafon zu übertönen.

Aus diesem Grund fordere ich den Kongress auf, die verheerende Entscheidung des Obersten Gerichtshofs im Fall Citizens United aufzuheben – und außerdem den Freedom to Vote Act und den DISCLOSE Act zu verabschieden, um dem Big Money-Problem unseres Landes etwas entgegenzusetzen.


Gemeinsame Ursache

Senate Republicans just chose Senator John Thune to lead them next Congress. And much like his predecessor, Senator Mitch McConnell, one main “qualification” for the job comes at all of our expense: raking in millions of dollars in Big Money donations.

That’s right: the incoming Senate Majority Leader built his candidacy around raising $31 million for the GOP this cycle and setting a new record for the largest transfer of money from his personal campaign to other Senate Republicans. [1]

But Thune hardly stands out – in order to be serious contenders, Thune and the other Senators running had to prove they could keep the campaign cash flowing from the fossil fuel industry, big banks, private health insurers, and other special interests.

  • A primary selling point for Senator John Cornyn was raising over $400 million for the GOP in his career, including $33 million this cycle. [1]

  • And Senator Rick Scott, who’s also independently rich after co-founding the nation’s largest for-profit healthcare company, is a leading advocate for essentially ending Medicare and the Affordable Care Act – hardly a coincidence. [2]

  • They have big shoes to fill, as Senator Mitch McConnell raised over $1 billion for the GOP during his time as Senate Majority Leader and Minority Leader. [3]

The unfortunate truth is that no matter who got selected, Big Money is the real winner – which means the rest of us lose. Wealthy special interests shouldn’t have this big of a say in our democracy; that power belongs to the people.

Common Cause knows this status quo must end – which is why we’re fighting to overturn Bürger vereint and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act.  

These critical measures would help shine a light on secret political spending, get Big Money out of politics, and establish small-dollar citizen funded elections – giving ordinary Americans a stronger say in our democracy.

Join us in calling on Congress to END the Bürger vereint era and pass the Freedom to Vote Act and the DISCLOSE Act!

[1] https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4980346-john-cornyn-senate-gop-fundraising/
[2] https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-rick-scott-banks-trump-ties-his-bid-lead-senate-2024-11-13/
[3] https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2024/04/top-fundraisers-vie-to-succeed-mcconnell-as-senate-gop-leader/



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