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New Haven Independent: Redistrict Critics Slice Own District Maps

As they sat to draw their own legislative maps, the voting reform advocates aimed to keep various “communities of interest” intact. When a community of interest is split across multiple districts, that group’s vote is often diluted and overwhelmed by other priorities, giving legislators less of an incentive to represent its voice.

CT Post, Opinion: Redistricting process should be transparent

Voters should pick their elected officials, not the other way around. Seems obvious, doesn’t it? But it ain’t necessarily so. Too often the redrawing of voting districts, which is required every 10 years to conform with population shifts as reflected in the U.S. census, is done with an eye toward ensuring the reelection of officeholders...

The Day: Common Cause, local legislators weigh in on redistricting

"Almeida said Common Cause has long supported an independent redistricting commission model where the people actually drawing district lines 'are everyday people, not politicians, not lobbyists, people without conflicts of interest.' Still, Almeida and others were realistic in recognizing the current system. They said there were different ways to protect the integrity of the redistricting process, whether through the committee or commission utilizing nonpartisan staff, allowing an abundance of public input and making sure the lawmakers composing the committee or commission are mostly nonpartisan..."

WSHU: Connecticut Voters’ Group Speaks Out Against Gerrymandering

“We make sure that districts do not remove voting rights from Black and Brown and other people of color. And that we try to retain some contiguity and some continuity in the communities to benefit the voters not to benefit the elected officials,” Quickmire said.

CT Post: In Stratford, battle lines being drawn over Town Council lines

“I’d defy anybody to show me how Lordship reaching over to the Devon Bridge or District 2 being a five-armed octopus is either compact or contiguous,” Democratic Registrar of Voters Jim Simon said. “These things are not done by accident.” Republicans say the maps are the result of shifts in census data. “Redistricting is purely population driven,” GOP Registrar Lou DeCilio, who is also the chairman of the Republican Town Committee, said. “It has nothing to do with ethnicity, income level or registered voters.”

CT News Junkie: Redistricting Moves Beyond Deadline To Next Phase

“Redistricting will determine the voting power of our neighborhoods, towns, and cities for the next ten years,” Quickmire said. “That’s why it’s so important that we, the people, have a say in how our maps are drawn. When the people are involved, we can be sure that maps are drawn to benefit us, not the politicians.”

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