Blog Post
Request your absentee ballot for the November 8, 2022 general election!

In Connecticut, absentee ballots for the November 8th, 2022 general election are now available for request! You can find everything you need to know using our online resource. >>
You can vote using an absentee ballot if you cannot appear at your assigned polling place on election day for specific reasons–one of them being sickness. “Sickness” is now determined by the voter on an ongoing basis and can include, for example, the fear of contracting covid-19.
Commuters can now vote by absentee ballot even if their work and commute hours do NOT make them absent for ALL the hours between 6AM and 8PM on election day. These are steps forward for democracy–please take advantage of them if they can help you get out to vote!
Just download an absentee ballot application, print it, fill it out, sign and date it. Then send the application to your Town Clerk by mail, drop it off in a secure absentee ballot drop box or drop it off to the Town Clerk’s office in person. You can find everything you need to know using our online resource. >>
Find Voter Resources
Have any questions or problems voting?
Call the nonpartisan Election Protection Hotline! Volunteers will be standing by to answer your questions. English-speaking voters can call 866-OUR-VOTE for assistance. Help is also available in Spanish (888-VE-Y-VOTA), Arabic (844-YALLA-US) and Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, and Tagalog (888-API-VOTE).
Thanks for your ongoing dedication,
Cheri Quickmire, Executive Director
and the team at Common Cause in Connecticut
PS: Looking to help other voters? Share this Democracy Wire post to three of your friends to spread the word! We are also still recruiting volunteers for our nonpartisan Election Protection efforts, including roles like monitoring the polls on election day. Sign up online at >>