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Staying Strong for Democracy: A Look at Good Trouble in Action
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Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont signed the Connecticut Voting Rights Act into law as part of the state’s new budget. The CTVRA is now the nation’s most comprehensive state-level voting rights act, setting a new standard for states across the country.
— Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) June 13, 2023
We passed a budget last night! Aside from historic tax cuts and vital investments, it also contains the John R. Lewis Connecticut Voting Rights Act — important voter-protection legislation I was proud to co-author and champion, along with @MaeFlexer, @MattLesser and others.
— Matt Blumenthal (@Matt_Blumenthal) June 6, 2023
EVERY state should be a voter-friendly state. In lieu of federal legislation, every state should have a state Voting Rights Act to protect the freedom to vote.
More on state VRAs here: 2/end#voting #democracy #law
— Campaign Legal Center (@CampaignLegal) June 13, 2023
The John R. Lewis Connecticut Voting Rights Act is a huge deal. Connecticut will soon have the strongest voting rights protections in the United States, a model for the country. Very grateful to Chairs @MaeFlexer and @Matt_Blumenthal for their heroic leadership.
— Matt Lesser (@MattLesser) June 6, 2023
The new CT law requires municipalities with record of voter discrimination receive “preclearance” before making changes to election policies.
— Connecticut Mirror (@CTMirror) June 12, 2023
GOOD NEWS: Connecticut just enacted a state-level Voting Rights Act. Local jurisdictions with a history of voting discrimination will now have to get pre-approval from the state before enacting new election changes and redistricting. Plus much more!
— Democracy Docket (@DemocracyDocket) June 14, 2023
“Connecticut’s proposed [Voting Rights Act] would mirror the now-defunct Sect. 5 of the federal VRA, requiring local jurisdictions with histories of voting discrimination to receive approval from [state officials] before enacting any election laws or maps”
— Andrew Giambrone (@AndrewGiambrone) June 9, 2023
The Connecticut Voting Rights Act would restore the preclearance mechanism and critical voter protections that were dismantled by the Shelby v. Holder decision.
— Legal Defense Fund (@NAACP_LDF) April 1, 2023
Cities across Connecticut have seen an increase in residents who do not speak English causing an increased need for accessible language services at the polls. The Connecticut Voting Rights Act would put the state on the cutting edge of voter accessibility.
— Thurgood Marshall Institute (@TMI_LDF) April 3, 2023
BIG NEWS: The Connecticut #VotingRightsAct has passed!
The #CTVRA will:
🗳️protect 1.2 million voters of color in CT
🗳️provide new legal tools to fight discriminatory voting rules in court
🗳️create strong protections against voter intimidation, deception or obstruction1/2
— Campaign Legal Center (@CampaignLegal) June 7, 2023
The Connecticut Voting Rights Act
✅Protects voters in states with a history of discrimination
✅Provides language assistance to voters
✅Strengthens protections against voter intimidation and harassment
✅Instructs judges to interpret election law in a pro-voter way— Common Cause (@CommonCause) June 7, 2023
Connecticut’s legislature just passed a state-level Voting Rights Act.
Among many things, it would: improve multi-language ballot access; better centralize election data for transparency; set up preclearance for some local voting rules.
Onward to Gov. Lamont.
— Taniel (@Taniel) June 6, 2023
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