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Post Election Information
Inoculation content: Messaging and imagery created and shared to prepare viewers to refute and challenge election disinformation narratives before they see them. This content contains non-partisan pro-voter messages in an engaging sharable format.
Inoculation Content Library
Sample Inoculation Posts

Election Protection Hotline
Run into obstacles while trying to vote? Call these Election Protection hotlines: English — 866-OUR-VOTE Spanish/English — 888-YE-Y-VOTA Arabic/English — 844-YALLA-US Asian Languages/English — 888-API-VOTE

Stay in Line
Don’t let polling place lines take away your voice this election! Some lines look long due to social-distancing measures, and many lines move quickly. If you’re still in line at the time polls close, stay in line! You can still vote. Your vote is your voice, so make sure it is heard this election. If you experience problems or have trouble voting, call the Election Protection Hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE and speak with a nonpartisan trained volunteer!