
Fix the Broken Electoral College

Our democracy shouldn’t give some Americans’ voices more weight than others. States must sign onto the National Popular Vote Compact and band together to ensure the presidential candidate who receives the most votes always wins the election.

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Every voter deserves a voice.

Our broken Electoral College means that winning the nationwide popular vote by millions more than your opponent doesn’t guarantee you’ll win the presidency. And it forces candidates to only focus on a few battleground states — and leave the rest of us out.

Every Vote Matters

In two of the past six presidential elections, the candidate who got fewer votes nationwide still became president. And in every presidential race, candidates are forced to focus their attention on only a handful of swing states — ignoring the vast majority of voters nationwide.

We can reform the Electoral College and make presidential elections more inclusive and competitive — with the National Popular Vote Compact.

Here’s how it works: if enough states require their electors to vote for the winner of the popular vote in all 50 states (rather than the state’s own popular vote), we can fix the problems of the Electoral College without needing to amend the Constitution.

The National Popular Vote Compact won’t take effect until enough states have joined in, but we’re closer to that than you might think — 15 states and D.C. have already signed on, totaling 196 electoral votes of the needed 270 Electoral College votes.



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