President Trump must release his taxes. March with us.

President Trump must release his taxes. March with us.

On Saturday, April 15th, Common Cause will join thousands of Americans across the country to demand that President Trump release his tax returns. Join Colorado Common Cause as we march in downtown Denver.

On Saturday, April 15th, Common Cause will join thousands of Americans across the country to demand that President Trump release his tax returns.

March with us in Denver on Saturday, April 15th.

In order to hold our elected leaders accountable, we must have transparency about not only their actions, but their financial interests.

Common Cause has a long history of fighting for government transparency.  In Colorado, we were behind the nation’s first Sunshine Law, which required elected officials to disclose their financial interests, lobbyists to report any gifts to public officials, and for all government meetings to be conducted in public.

Almost fifty years later, our job of holding our government leaders accountable is now more important than ever.

Unlike other federal government officials and employees—and most state and local government officials—the President and Vice President are not subject to conflicts of interest laws. President Trump’s refusal to release his tax returns deprives the American people information that would enable better monitoring of potential conflicts of interest.

Transparency is not a partisan issue. That’s why every major-party presidential candidate has released his or her tax returns to the public over the past fifty years (until now).

We first demanded that Mr. Trump release his tax returns in May 2016. And on April 15th, we will take to the streets to demand that he stop hiding and stand accountable to the public that he serves.

The time to act is now. Join us in Denver on Saturday, April 15th.